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iLuv Smartshaker 2 Portable Vibrating Travel Alarm Bed Shaker For Heavy Sleepers, Deaf People, Couples And Seniors - compatible with iPhone X / 8 / 7 / 7 Plus / 6S / 6S Plus, Samsung Galaxy精選銷售排行榜CP值爆表送禮Color: Black
WAKE UP BETTER THROUGH AMAZING VIBRATION: Experience custom innovation, with 3 levels of vibration (Normal, Strong, and Strongest) to wake you up like never before. With almost double vibration strength than most smart phones, the SmartShaker 2 is guaranteed to get you out of bed without disturbing your partner. Download the app, set your alarm and place this thin pod under your pillow. Adjust the vibration wirelessly through the app and wake up through any combination of vibration and sound.
THE MOST USER FRIENDLY VIBRATING WAKE UP APP: Don’t be intimidated by the smart design! The SmartShaker 2 comes with a mobile app that is extremely user friendly, regardless of what people might say. Easily set up to 10 alarms through SmartShaker+, a free app that allows you to customize your alarm, monitor the battery life of the shaker and even give you updates on the weather. You deserve a more reliable alarm, so download the app if you have iOS 9.0+ or Android 5.0+.
MORE BENEFITS FOR EVERYONE: Anyone can benefit from the SmartShaker 2. The vibration is great for deaf/people who suffer from hearing loss, senior citizens, or even couples and roommates that are on different sleeping schedules. Have a friend that is a heavy sleeper? The SmartShaker 2 will give them more wake-up support. This unique wake up experience is also loved by those who despise the classic alarm. So call up your friends and show them true innovation.
USE IT ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD: Whether at home or in your dorm, the SmartShaker? 2 can support your wake up. Enjoy a small size that allows for easy mobility. Additionally, Bluetooth Smart - one of the leading technologies in the industry – works to make sure that your device gets the maximum amount of life from the featured lithium ion battery. Use up to 5 minutes a day and expect up to an impressive 10 days of power. Take the shaker with you when you stay at a hotel, go camping or travel.
SURPRISING ADDITIONAL FEATURES: The SmartShaker 2 has even more wake up options than ever. In addition to any combination of vibration levels and ringtones, you also have the option to pair your SmartShaker 2 to iLuv’s Rainbow7 Bluetooth Smart Bulbs and wake up to your preferred lighting (completely optional).Wake up through sight, sound and shake all with the SmartShaker 2. Set to a graduate lighting that imitates sunrise, or wake up to your favorite colored mood lighting.Product description
Size:SmartShaker 2 | Color:Black
The SmartShaker 2 Portable Travel Alarm Bed Shaker from iLuv is designed to help people who are not satisfied with traditional alarms. Whether suffering from hearing loss or simply not wanting to disturb their partner, people have benefitted from the SmartShaker 2. With a customized alert setting, even the deepest sleepers can thank the SmartShaker 2 for waking them up on time. A Smarter Alarm
Pair your phone to the SmartShaker 2 wirelessly and set your alarm. Using Bluetooth smart technology, once the alarm is set, it will remember the alarm and continue to work even if your phone dies or Bluetooth is disconnected.Long Battery Life
SmartShaker 2 lasts up to 10 days depending on usage. The battery strength can be seen by just syncing the shaker to the app. When you receive the product, please fully charge SmartShaker 2 and use it until the battery is completely depleted 3 times to maximize full battery power.- Set up to 10 alarms with the easy-to-use app, SmartShaker+ (Plus): iOS and Android
- Connect to your smartphone wirelessly via Bluetooth Smart
開箱文暢銷商品 - Multiple alarm options
- Via SmartShaker: silent vibration, ringtone only or both
- Via smartphone: music on your playlist
- Via Rainbow 7: gentle light (optional, Rainbow 7 is not included)
- 16 levels of volume control
- 3 level vibration level settings (Normal – Strong – Strongest) will wake anyone up on time
- 8 integrated ringtones: Alarm, Birds, Stream, Rooster, Doorbell, Cuckoo, Chimes, and Air horns
- Convenient snooze button
- Battery last up to 10 days of usage before needing to recharge when used for 5 to 10 min/day
- Great for travelers, couples, roommates, students, heavy sleepers, deaf/hearing loss過年送禮推薦團購熱門商品What’s Included
活動產品熱門產品 Micro USB cable, Quick Start Guide, Warranty cardCompatibility
iOS: iPhone, iPad
Android: Samsung phones Product information
Size:SmartShaker 2 | Color:Black
Product Dimensions 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 inches
Item Weight 0.64 ounces
Shipping Weight 3.2 ounces
Manufacturer iLuv
Item model number SMSHAKER2BK
Batteries 1 Lithium ion batteries required.



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【網路人氣商品top10】 [107美國直購] 報警床振動器 iLuv Smartshaker 2 Portable Vibrating Travel Alarm Bed Shaker For Heavy Sleepers -好用的必需品哦好用嗎,【網路人氣商品top10】 [107美國直購] 報警床振動器 iLuv Smartshaker 2 Portable Vibrating Travel Alarm Bed Shaker For Heavy Sleepers -好用的必需品哦評價怎麼樣, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [107美國直購] 報警床振動器 iLuv Smartshaker 2 Portable Vibrating Travel Alarm Bed Shaker For Heavy Sleepers -好用的必需品哦 去哪買?,【網路人氣商品top10】 [107美國直購] 報警床振動器 iLuv Smartshaker 2 Portable Vibrating Travel Alarm Bed Shaker For Heavy Sleepers -好用的必需品哦 比較評比, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [107美國直購] 報警床振動器 iLuv Smartshaker 2 Portable Vibrating Travel Alarm Bed Shaker For Heavy Sleepers -好用的必需品哦 使用評比, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [107美國直購] 報警床振動器 iLuv Smartshaker 2 Portable Vibrating Travel Alarm Bed Shaker For Heavy Sleepers -好用的必需品哦 開箱文, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [107美國直購] 報警床振動器 iLuv Smartshaker 2 Portable Vibrating Travel Alarm Bed Shaker For Heavy Sleepers -好用的必需品哦 推薦, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [107美國直購] 報警床振動器 iLuv Smartshaker 2 Portable Vibrating Travel Alarm Bed Shaker For Heavy Sleepers -好用的必需品哦 評測文, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [107美國直購] 報警床振動器 iLuv Smartshaker 2 Portable Vibrating Travel Alarm Bed Shaker For Heavy Sleepers -好用的必需品哦 CP值, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [107美國直購] 報警床振動器 iLuv Smartshaker 2 Portable Vibrating Travel Alarm Bed Shaker For Heavy Sleepers -好用的必需品哦 評鑑大隊, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [107美國直購] 報警床振動器 iLuv Smartshaker 2 Portable Vibrating Travel Alarm Bed Shaker For Heavy Sleepers -好用的必需品哦 部落客推薦


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